101 Things I Am Going To Attempt To Complete in 1001 Days


Monday, February 27, 2006

3.5 more done!

Alright...so in a matter of 3 days, I have crossed 3.5 items off the list.

The biggest and best is quitting smoking. Now some would say that because it is only day 3 of that journey that there is still room to fail. Well to that I say...Not this time baby!! There is no way I am sticking another cigarette in my mouth.

This morning was my first session with my personal trainer at Spartacus. She is just the right combination of nice and nasty. ;) We are going to get along just fine! I worked with her for an hour learning the ropes and then did 30 minutes on the treadmill on my own before I left. I walked out of there feeling amazing!

My new roomie has assisted in my getting a handle on my habit of having dishes pile up for days. It is so much nicer and easier to just clean as I go. Hmmm...now where have I heard that before? ;)

Oh yeah...and I knocked another movie off the list. :D


  • Just reading your list (doing a bit of research for my own) and noticed number two is figure out why that list isn't numbered.

    I'm no expert but you could try encompassing each item with a closing li tag. Like this:
    (They didn't allow the html so i changed < and > to [ and ] . Just change them back)

    [li]Item X[li]
    [li]Item Y[li]
    [li]Item Z[li]

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:28 AM  

  • Arghhh - they changed it on me.
    It should be [li] TEXT [/li]

    (no spaces)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:31 AM  

  • That is how the list is set up. That is what is so confusing about the whole matter. When I look at my compose screen it is numbered but when it comes up in the blog it is not numbered. Very odd!

    By Blogger Brandy, at 6:13 PM  

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